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  • May 04,2020

Dear AATI community:

AATI continues to closely monitor the situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19). Public health and public safety are foremost during this uncertain and ever-changing coronavirus threat. We hope that you and your family are well and safe at home.

In accordance with state and local guidelines, most AATI faculty and staff will continue to work remotely through May 30, 2020, unless circumstances dictate otherwise.

The Florida Department of Education requires that AATI notifies you that if you are enrolling or are enrolled in a program that will require on-campus lab/shop sessions the online portion of the program that you are enrolled in will cease, likely during the time they are participating in their program due to the national emergency situation with Coronavirus CODIV-19. When the temporary approval ends of your academic program, the remainder of the program will revert to in-person teaching modality on campus. Consequently, this will allow us to enter PHASE #4 transitioning to ‘a new normality’. By the end of this week, everyone is expected to be in Phase #3. This means that all implementations are successfully in place. In addition,…
1. all program students will get access to complete final exams online.
2. all program students will have access to two enhanced automotive software to support shop training.
3. county mandated continuing education courses continue to be available online and by mail.
4. AATI continues to accept registrations for certification exams. Upon opening certification exam sessions, students will have priority based on the registration date.

We remind you that Comcast and AT&T are offering greater access to the Internet with free Wi-Fi hotspots and service to homes that do not have connectivity.
AATI will continue to update you as more information becomes available. You may communicate with someone LIVE via our website chat @ or by calling at (305) 362-5519. WE ARE AVAILABLE from 9:00am to 8:00pm. You can continue sending us emails at or fax at 305-362-3134.
For previous updates, please scroll down on our Facebook page @aatiedutech!

Let’s continue to be safe, patient, and proactive!

Warmest regards,
Nayibe M. Fondeur
Chief Operating Officer

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